Radio Nets

Radio Nets

REACT Amateur Radio Nets

World-Wide REACT All Mode Net - Echolink Reflector *REACT* Tuesdays 8:00pm Central (Echo Link 109779 or 336037) (AllStar/DMR TG 3740)

Also on Vilas and Karl Repeaters Below on DMR TG3740.

Zello Nets

Weekly REACT Colorado Net on Zello Thursday Nights 2100 (REACT Colorado)

Weekly REACT International Zello Net Saturday Nights 1900 (REACT MEMBERS)


14.277.00 (Weekly Saturday REACT International HF Net 0830am MT.)

14.333.00 (Backup Frequency for Net Above)

5.371.50 60M Ch4 (Alternate Band/Freq as needed for REACT International Net)

Other Nets:

71850 LSB - FEMA Region 8 RECCWG AuxCom Net 1330 1st Monday of each month

14.280 USB -FEMA Region 8 RECCWG AuxCom Net 1330 1st Monday of each month

IRLP 9099 & Echolink 3575 - FEMA Region 8 RECCWG AuxCom Net 1330 1st Monday of the Month

7290 LSB - ( Daily NTS Traffic Net 0900-1100 Monday to Saturday and 1200-1300 Monday to Friday

Southeast Colorado Hazardous Weather Net - Daily 1215 (WE0FUN) and TG 310815 on Brandmeister

Red Cross / Disaster Communications Forum Net - Sundays 7pm TG3740 Brandmeister / EchoLink 109779 *REACT*

Trinidad & Tobago Amateur Radio Net - Sunday 5pm TG3740 Brandmeister / EchoLink 109779 *REACT*

7240 LSB - High Noon Net Daily 1130 part of NTS Traffic Net

3570 LSB - Mountain States Net 2000 Daily

3989 LSB - Colorado Columbine Net Daily 1930

3810 LSB - Colorado ARES Statewide Net Sundays 0800

3990.5 LSB - Colorado RACES Statewide Net Sundays 1800

14.265 USB - SATERN HF Net Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Net Monday thru Saturday 0800

3989 LSB - Colorado Weather Net 0630 Daily

3920 LSB - Kansas Phone Net 0545 and 1730 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

3920 LSB - Kansas Phone Net 0700 on Saturday and Sunday

​3920 LSB - Kansas Weather Net Daily 1800

3920 LSB - Kansas Side band Net Daily 1830

7253.5 LSB - Central States Traffic Net 1130 Monday thru Friday

3939 LSB - NM Breakfast Club Daily 0630

OMISS - Various Frequencies and Times (

CERN - Colorado Emergency Reporting net ( nightly 1830 on the Colorado Connection

14.300 - Nets all day long. A good frequency to get out during the day. (

Newton ARC

The Weekly Sunday Night Net @ 7:00pm Central Time

Use the 146.610(-) 103.5pl repeater for this net

Kan-Okla Repeaters

Kan-Okla Intertie, the weekly Thursday night Kan-Okla ARES/Skywarn Net is at 8pm Central Time

Derby- 146.850 156.7 103.5

Hutchinson-145.820 103.5

St John-146.700 103.5

Great Bend 146.760 103.5

Beamount-444.525 156.7

Wichita-442.325 103.5



Butler County Kansas CERT Net

Sundays @ 7:30pm

147.150 No Tone

Flint Hills Repeater

Wichita Amateur Radio Club Net

Sundays 8pm

146.850 156.7